Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Poem: One Night with You

I wrote this a long time ago.  It's my attempt at love poetry.  It's pretty bad, lol.

One Night with You

One night while lying next to you,
I gaze at all the simple curves
No dim light can subdue.

I watch the precious strands of hair
Fall to your lips and linger there
And shiver in each soft exhale.

Each hair is sure to weave its way
Among the wrinkled sheets we lay
To cling to me when you are gone.

But now it’s late and I must close
My eyes to swim in deep repose
And tide myself with dreams of you.

And when I wake, there you’ll be
Softly singing songs to me
Of how you love my quiet way.

But should you leave, what will I do?
For, oh the waking isn’t waking,
Unless it’s next to you.

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