Tuesday, January 10, 2012

New Project

Last night I decided (partly on a whim) to undertake a new project.  Now I’m not even sure if I like it yet or if it will even work, but I’ve decided I don’t care.  The basic idea is to borrow the best lines from my favorite songs and combine them into a working poem.  This has the potential to be a rather lengthy undertaking seeing as I have quite a few songs to choose from, each being anywhere from 2-5 minutes long on average.
Why I decided to try this, I can’t really say.  What I do know is that often I’ll be listening to a song and they’ll be that one line that just puts a perspective or an idea in perfect terminology.  I want to weave those beautiful lines together to tell a story, to be one enigmatic tapestry that just hits home.
I spent an hour and a half last night listening to music and compiling my list of song lyrics; I have about a dozen so far.  Once I have the list of lyrics down I can begin to put them together.  I haven’t decided whether or not I will add any of my own lyrics to the poem, but right now I’m leaning against it.  I don’t want it to look like I’m comparing myself to these songwriters or that I think in any way that my words are as good as theirs.
If nothing else, this project is an excellent excuse to listen to old music and relive my younger years J.

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