Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Snow (part 2)

Well, the first real snow of the season may be pretty well melted, but that still hasn’t stopped me from reminiscing about my favorite memories of the white stuff.  You know, it’s funny to think how much snow means to a little kid, as compared to an adult.  To a kid snow means no school, sledding, snowball fights, building snowmen and so much more.  To most adults snow means shoveling out your car, a dangerous drive to work, wet socks, cold weather, and in general, a pretty crappy day.  Not to me though, despite the dangers and inconveniences it brings with it, I still love a good snowfall.

I remember the winter I got punched by girl.  I was somewhere around eight or nine when it happened.  My little sister and I had gotten into a snowball fight with our neighbors, Louie and Beverly.  Everything was all fun and games until Beverly (who was about 12 at the time) picked up the base of a snowman she had been building and dropped it on my unsuspecting sister, who had bent down to grab some snow.  I instantly went into big brother mode and ran over to confront her, but before I could get a word out, she pulled back and clocked me right in the nose.  I immediately ran inside, crying…and bleeding.  Now I know that might not sound like a happy memory, but it’s one that has stuck with me.

I remember the year of the immaculate snowball.  My sister and I were once again having one of our epic snowball fights, this one at my grandmother’s house.  I was in my grandmother’s backyard and my sister was about 30 feet away across the alley making snowballs.  I knelt down and picked up a handful of wet, heavy snow and formed it quickly into a ball.  I took aim and launched my tiny missile into the air; my sister, being preoccupied, hadn’t even noticed my release.  As she looked up, we stared back at each other for half a second and then, SMACK, right in the face.

One of the more recent memories I have of my snowy exploits is of the blizzard that hit while I was away at college.  I believe it was sophomore year and Wilkes-Barre had just been pounded with several feet of snow; classes were cancelled and it was off to Kirby Park for some sledding with my friends.  Now, it was quite a hike in the snow, but it was totally worth it.  On the way back we stopped at our friend Steph’s place for hot tea and sat and enjoyed the view from her second floor apartment overlooking River Street.  Nothing special happened; it was just an all-around good day.

Well, those are some of the fond memories I’ve made in the snow.  Here’s to hoping this winter brings a few more snow days with it.

1 comment:

  1. Another recent, but fond, snow memory was our first winter living together... We had such a blast watching Bleek discover snow and letting Bleek and Bella run around for a while until they turned into little snowballs! And don't forget the several feet of snow we got that winter; we were forced to shovel the yard for the dogs. The plows had the snow piled over six feet high in those few feet between the building and the parking lot... which, of course, had to be the start of our doggy potty path!
