Wednesday, January 18, 2012


So a couple weeks ago my boss and I went out to lunch together and got on the topic of travel.  He has been to tons of different countries, some I've never even heard of before.  When he asked if I’d done much traveling at my young age I told him that I hadn't really done a lot of international travel, other than my honeymoon.  In fact, besides my honeymoon, the farthest south I've been is Washington, DC and the farthest north is New York City.  When I told him this he replied, “We’ll have to change that.”  At the time I didn't think much of it, but a few days ago I got an e-mail from his assistant letting me know that the firm is going to pay for me to get my passport.

Now he hasn’t said anything to me yet about sending me anywhere, but I know for a fact that he is currently in negotiations with the Israeli government regarding some business dealings.  As long as I’m not near the Gaza strip I think it would be totally cool to go to Israel, and I’m not even Jewish!  Anyway, all this passport business has got me thinking about the places I would like to go and the things I would like to see some day.  Here is a brief list of international travel destinations (which I’m sure will be added to later):

London, England (Ello govnah)
Paris, France (come wiz me to ze Casbah)
Rome, Italy (fugetaboutit!)
Amsterdam, The Netherlands (the land that law forgot)
CANADA (hockey eh)
Tokyo, Japan (米いいです)
Sydney, Australia (come with me to the land down unda!)

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