Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Pen Pal

Today I wrote a letter to Pulitzer Prize winning poet Ted Kooser asking him to critique a small sample of my work and give me advice on getting published.  I fully expect it to go unanswered; I knew that before I started the letter, but that didn't stop me from doing it.  If I get a reply I will post it here on the blog.  For your enjoyment, I have posted one of my favorites poems by him.

Daddy Longlegs

Here, on fine long legs springy as steel,
a life rides, sealed in a small brown pill
that skims along over the basement floor
wrapped up in a simple obsession.
Eight legs reach out like the master ribs
of a web in which some thought is caught
dead center in its own small world,
a thought so far from the touch of things
that we can only guess at it. If mine,
it would be the secret dream
of walking alone across the floor of my life
with an easy grace, and with love enough
to live on at the center of myself.

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