Wednesday, April 18, 2012

"Apologies for the brevity..."

When I got home from work today I was all set to write a blog about my day and the things in it, stuff that inspires me, a new restaurant I discovered, some pictures I snapped during the week, or any one of a hundred other ideas that have been floating around in my head.  Instead this blog is about my mail.  Two weeks ago I wrote to one of my favorite poets, Pulitzer prize winner Ted Kooser; today I got my reply.  I was so excited I could hardly contain myself; I literally jumped for joy.  The joy didn't last.

Enclosed was my original letter and poems, on which were scribbled brief notes, pointedly worded barbs about how my poems could never work today, how my poems seem to meander aimlessly, how I lack focus.  And that was it.  No kind words of encouragement.  Just a big fat, "You're not good enough."

I'm not sure what I was expecting.  I knew he would have criticisms.  I knew I was never going to get a glowing review, praising my unique wit and style.  But I didn't expect this.  The whole situation has left me wondering if I'm not just wasting my time.  If I am just a no-talent hack who will never be a decent writer.

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