Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter Weekend

My Easter weekend was pretty damn awesome.  When I got home from work on Friday, I was just sitting around thinking about what to do with my impending weekend when the desire to drive took over.  I didn’t go anywhere new or unfamiliar; I hopped in my car and headed to my dad’s house.  I did this for two reasons, 1) I can almost never get enough of my family (they are hilarious) and 2) My little sister is game for anything.  She is currently unemployed and single so she is literally attachment free, and she will pretty much say yes to whatever crazy idea I throw out there (one of the many reasons why I love her).  So we sat down with a map (ok, Google map) and tried to decide where to go, keeping in mind that I had work on Monday.  We eventually settled on Atlantic City.

“Why Atlantic City?” you may ask.  Well, recently I’ve had the strangest desire to see the ocean.  I try to make it a point to get to the beach at least once a year and have always loved trips to the shore.  One of my many dreams is to own a piece of property on or near the beach.  Also, Atlantic City was attractive because we figured if we got tired of walking on the beach/board walk that we could always find something else to do. 

So the next morning we got up, hopped in my car and drove to the ocean; it was very Little Miss Sunshine, ya know, minus the heroin-addicted grandpa, beauty pageant, and VW bus.  We got there in no time and had a blast.  We walked along the beach, I took some pictures, trolled the boardwalk, did some gambling (I won $2!), and got my fortune told by some creepy machine outside the Ripley’s museum (the gist of which was, “seize the day”).  Once we had pretty much exhausted AC, we hopped in the car and headed back north and decided to stop in Philly.   We visited the new Xfinity Live entertainment complex and had some ($16) burgers and watched the Flyers game.  After that, we decided to go see my college buddy Mike, who was in Philly visiting family.  We had some drinks, played some games, and I got to meet his new boyfriend.  Indeed, the only crappy part about our adventure was that, due to a little mix-up, we ended up having to drive back from Philly at 2:00am.  But even that wasn’t so bad; in fact, it was kind of a fitting end to a crazy day.

Well, that was my weekend.  Here’s to hoping for many more just like it!

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