Thursday, April 12, 2012

New Poem: Halley's Comet

Here's another new poem I just finished.  I think it was inspired by the recent trips to my dad's house.  He lives out in the middle of nowhere and at night you can actually see the stars.

Halley’s Comet

You last appeared when I was one,
A glowing ball of dust in the sky
Ripping a thousand miles an hour
Past the naked eyes of my mother.
While all the other stars stood still
You crept across the midnight sky,
Roaring silently through heaven
On an invisible string or so
It must have seemed to one so young as I.

Every night is similar that came
Before and since, except tonight I
Grip the fading blush of ignorance.
When I gaze upon you years from now
I think I will have long retired
The questions, fancies, yearnings, all
The crust of youth that falls upon
A lifetime passing, fleeting as
A puff of gas in space, between
The poles of understanding.
When I see you again it will be as before,
Not reaching out with hands to grab you,
But looking up in wide-eyed wonder at the stars.

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