Tuesday, April 24, 2012

On Tap: English Ale

‘Ello Govnah!  Welcome to another edition of On Tap.  I thought I’d start of this weeks’ post by discussing something that’s been on my mind for a little while now.  Ever since I started drinking beer on a fairly regular basis I’ve wanted to do a brewery tour.  However, I had a ton of questions and no idea where to start.  Where can I find a list of breweries in my area?  Do tours cost money?  When are tours available?  After a quick Google search, I found this website: VisitPA.com.  It provides a list of breweries in Pennsylvania, tour availability, and pricing.  Now that I have all this information I am definitely going to start planning my first brewery tour.  I can’t wait!

Ok, on to the week’s winners and losers…well, kind of.  So this week was filled with beers that while I didn’t hate them, I didn’t exactly love them either.  So rather than call them winners and losers, let’s just talk about the pros and cons of each beer.

The first beer in question was sampled during my firm’s after tax season party: Dos Equis.  The pros: this beer was crisp and smooth with almost no bite.  The cons: it was somewhat lacking in flavor.  Also, while I was drinking this beer all I could think about were those stupid “most-interesting-man-in-the-world” commercials; my favorite is, “He went to a psychic once…to warn her.”

The second beer I tried came from my current Wegman’s six-pack: Smuttynose Summer Weizen Ale.  I’ve had weizen-style ales before and found them generally enjoyable so I had certain expectations for this beer; it didn’t meet them.  The beer didn’t have the bready flavor I was expecting and it had a funky aftertaste that I didn’t care for.  It was, however, a very crisp beer, which is typical for so-called “summer ales”.  Overall, this one was definitely the closest to a loser for the week.

The third beer of the week was enjoyed over a burger and Market Cross Pub trivia: Samuel Smith’s Old Brewery Pale Ale.  The beer was a darker colored ale that was rich in flavor, with a clean finish.  The only con with this beer is it had a noticeable bite to it; I’m not sure if it was due to the alcohol content or the hops, but it hindered an otherwise good brew.

Well, that’s it for this week.  Join me next week as I continue my beer education!  Beerucation?

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