Wednesday, February 29, 2012

These Are a Few of My Favorite Things...

When the dog bites, when the bee stings, when I'm feeling sad, I simply remember my favorite things and then I don't feeeeeeeel soooooo bad.  I watched this movie a lot growing up; it was my mom's favorite.

Favorite Movie: Garden State

Favorite Band/Musician: Sooo hard to choose just one.  I go through phases and I usually enjoy different music depending on the season.

Favorite Color: Green (they say geniuses pick green.  I am proof that is bullshit, lol)

Favorite TV Show: currently it’s a toss-up between How I Met Your Mother, Big Bang Theory, Modern Family, New Girl, and Whitney.  All-time, it would have to be The X-Files (I’m a huge nerd.  Deal.)

Favorite Season: Autumn.  I love to watch the leaves change color, and I have the strangest desire to rake them into giant piles to jump in J.

Favorite Hair Color: For myself, my natural color (it suits me).  And for a girl, what can only be described as chocolate brown.

Favorite Smell: Suave Dry Shampoo and Volumizer (don’t ask), fresh garlic (yummmm), and old books

Favorite Book:  This Side of Paradise by F. Scott Fitzgerald.  I read it in high school, I LOVE the main character, and there is a lot of poetry incorporated in the book.

Favorite Candy: Trolli Bright Crawlers and Sour Patch Kids

Favorite Food: Pepperoni Pizza.  Steak is a close second.

Favorite Animal: Doggies!

Favorite Sport: Hockey.  I played when I was a little kid and loved every second of it.  I also used to watch hockey games with my dad in his room.

Favorite City: Philly

Favorite Quote: “The sound must seem an echo to the sense.” –Alexander Pope

Favorite Poet: Robert Frost.  I own several first editions of his works.

Favorite Poem: Hard to say.  For now we’ll go with My Lost Youth by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Favorite Beer: Leinenkugel’s Sunset Wheat.  Very excited to try their Summer Shandy

Favorite Subject in School (back in the day…): English (shocker)

Favorite Holiday: Halloween.  Candy and costumes, how could you go wrong?

Favorite Memory:  I forget

Favorite Fast Food Restaurant: Pizza Hut.  My mom used to take us after school for personal pan pizzas.  It’s a wonder I wasn’t a chubby little kid.


  1. I use Suave Dry Shampoo and I adore the smell. It's fruity. You'd never know I'm a total scumbag who didn't have time to shower.

  2. You dirty hippie, lol. Yeah, not sure what it is but a girl doesn't even need to be wearing perfume, just this.
