Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Happiness (part 1 of 4)

I’ve been thinking a lot recently about happiness and what exactly makes me happy, after all, that’s what life is all about right, the pursuit of happiness?   Anyway, a couple years ago when I was taking a psychology course over the summer at my local community college, the professor had us make a list of the 100 things that make us happiest.  At first it seemed kind of easy, but after the first few I actually had to give it some thought.   Now it’s been awhile and I don’t have the old list I wrote for the class, so I’ve decided to make a new list.  Here are the first 25 (in no particular order):

1.       Writing
2.       Reading
3.       How I Met Your Mother
4.       Sleeping in
5.       Bleeker (my dog)
6.       Bowling
7.       Mini Golf
8.       The Beach
9.       Hanging with my little sister
10.   Acting weird
11.   Talking with friends
12.   The Big Bang Theory
13.   Scrubs
14.   Bloggin
15.   Pepperoni pizza
16.   Steak
17.   Ping pong in my basement
18.   Beautiful photography
19.   The Shins
20.   Elliott Smith
21.   Singing alone in my car
22.   Long car rides (as long as I’m not driving)
23.   Vacations
24.   Girl scout cookies (specifically Samoas)
25.   5:01 pm, Monday thru Friday

Next up, 26 thru 50.

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