Friday, February 10, 2012

Poem: Adult Swim

Summer can't get here soon enough.  This poem's not really about summer, but it has a lot of summer imagery.  Enjoy!

Adult Swim

The sun beat relentlessly down through phantom clouds
And inside everything boiled until a dull hum came clear
Across the fields on the wings of the bees
And the arms of the girls.

I watched the gentle breeze brush back and forth
The freshly-trimmed blades,
Content to play with various styles
As though it were nervously preparing for a formal occasion.

Buoy-like, I traversed the surface of the pool,
Arms limpid, marking with soundless gongs
The point at which the shallow waters ended.

Reluctantly, the children lined the concrete shore,
The droves of unspent cannonballs suddenly around me
Like a beaded necklace I had never worn before.

And I felt as the sand on the beach must feel,
Pulled by the tides into deeper water
To mix forever with the ocean currents
All the while becoming more a part of the ocean,
All the while diffusing.

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