Tuesday, February 21, 2012


I’ve been thinking a lot about the people in my life lately and I’ve come to the sad conclusion that I don’t have many friends.  By friends I mean the people who really care about you, who think about you when you’re not around, who would do anything for you.  By friends I mean your brothers from other mothers, your sisters from other misters, your “family.”  Don’t get me wrong, I know a good number of people, but I’m not sure I would categorize many of them as my friends. 

There are very few people in my life that I see on a fairly consistent basis.  I don’t talk to many of my high school friends anymore and none of them live in the area.  The same can pretty much be said for my college friends although I do manage to keep in contact with a few of them.  But I don’t get to see many of them very often and I generally get the impression that they have little interest in seeing me.  Sometimes it feels like I’m reaching out for something that isn’t there anymore and that I’m just kind of this annoying headache to them that they don’t want to entertain for a day.

It just sucks ‘cause I think I’m a pretty laid back guy.  I consider myself to be fairly entertaining, I have a sense of humor that’s all my own, and I’m the kind of person who just wants to make people happy.  I’ve been trying to think of ways to remedy my situation and I keep coming up empty.  Most of the people I work with are either way older than me or they’re not exactly the type of people I would typically be friends with.  Besides work, I’m hard pressed to think of a way to make new friends. 

The whole situation just has me in a bit of a funk at the moment and I’m just hoping that something will come along to get me out of it.  Music usually helps…

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