Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The Glass Labyrinth

So a few nights ago I had the weirdest dream.  But the dream wasn't the important part.  The important part is what happened when I woke up.  I got this really good idea for a new poem and have been trying to expand on it for awhile now.  The central image of the poem is this glass labyrinth, at the center of which are all my hopes and desires.  Basically, the poem is suppose to be a metaphor for what it feels like to want something so bad and not be able to have it.  You're trapped in this impossible maze and you can see straight to the center, you can see your deepest and darkest desire.  You are so close, but every turn you make is another wrong move, another dead end.

Anyway, here is the beginning of it.  I know I said before that I'm not in the habit of sharing unfinished poetry, but what the heck, I'm in a giving mood.

The Glass Labyrinth

Endless time trials run to the center of a glass labyrinth 
Where the rhythm of your heart beats to a motive         
Calling out to the animal in me.  

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