Friday, May 11, 2012

On Tap: Magic Hat

Ever thought about brewing your own beer?  Being a fairly picky beer drinker, I know it's something that has crossed my mind from time to time.  I'll think to myself, "If I learn how to brew beer, then I can brew beer that I know I'll enjoy.  I can also experiment and create my own signature beer!  It would be my own little creation!"  As exciting as all this sounds, I have yet to purchase a brewing kit or even get very far in my search. You see, I can be a bit lazy and easily discouraged, and well, this beer making business sounds tough.  I'm not sure if I'll ever actually go through with it and purchase a kit, but for those of you who are interested, this kit seemed like a good one from what I could tell.  Anyway, just thought I 'd share that, now on to this week's brews!

Although I didn't sample many new brews this past week, it was nonetheless a very good week, beer-wise.  The two new beers I had, I enjoyed immensely.  The first beer I sampled was Wolaver's Wildflower Wheat Ale.  The beer boasts that it is brewed with organic Vermont honey and it shows.  Wildflower Wheat has a good, clean malt flavor with just a slight bite to it.  Overall, a very good beer that I would definitely get again.

I did, however, save the best for last this week.  This week's best brew, the A-1 ale, the king cold one, the super cerveza, the leading libation, the prince of puke fuel is... Magic Hat Circus Boy.  Magic Hat is quickly becoming one of my favorite brewers.  I've honestly enjoyed every one of their beers, and that's saying something.  Circus Boy is, in a word: amazeballs.  It has a rich wheat beer flavor, no bite, and a slight citrusy aftertaste due to the fact that it is brewed with lemongrass.  This beer was very refreshing and perfect for an afternoon spent lounging around outside.

Well, that's it for this week.  It's Friday and this weekend is shaping up to be absolutely gorgeous.  Can't wait to get out and enjoy myself.  Hopefully I'll have some new brews to share with you next week!

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