Wednesday, May 16, 2012

On Tap: ABC

Hello all you bloggers and blogettes!  Welcome to another addition of On Tap.  Rather than beat around the bush, lets get right to this weeks brews.  I am sorry to report that this past week was not a very good one for beer.  Not only was I fairly lax in my sampling of new brews, but the ones I did try were't very good to boot.

This past week I was out to dinner at the Appalachian Brewing Company in Harrisburg and was excited to try one of their flagship beers.  I've had their Water Gap Wheat before, which isn't bad, and this time I decided to try their Purist Pale Ale.  I won't mince words, it wasn't good.  The beer had a strong metallic taste that absolutely ruined it.  It was like drinking a jar of pennies.  The only consolation I had was my Fire Jumper Burger, which was delicious (I am quickly becoming a fan of jalapeno peppers).

The second beer of the week was sampled while at one of my favorite places in the world, El Rodeo.  The beer I'm referring to is a Mexican beer called Tecate.  While this beer wasn't nearly as bad as the one from ABC, it  just left me wanting more (and not in a good way).  Overall the beer was fairly bland, it tasted like the Mexican version of Budweiser.  Luckily, food came to the rescue once again as I drowned my sorrows in a plate of Nacho Supremos.

Well, that's all for this week.  Hopefully I'll have better brew news to report next week!

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