Thursday, May 31, 2012

New Poem: Leap Day, 2012

I have no idea what sparked this poem, but I thought I'd share it with my blog readers before I decide I hate it and wipe it out of existence completely.  Also, I apologize for my lack of posts recently.  The long Memorial Day weekend, coupled with a lack of motivation/inspiration is entirely to blame.  Hopefully I snap out of it soon.

Leap Day, 2012

At an internet café in New York City,
Insomnia has sunk its teeth into the big apple.
Under a domestic paw a mouse wriggles,
Attempting to break free and scurry back
To his home, alone, inside the walls.
Computer screens, like cat eyes, peer from
The darkest corner into the sleeping world.
A symphony of sirens pulsates through
The bleeding night; the long cry of a dying animal
Comes limping and twitches on the ear
In numerous glowing nocturnes.
A middle-aged man chasing down blocks of text
On an online dating site, reads,
‘Five foot five, well-educated, with a love of dogs’
And slumps back into his ergonomic chair
On this, the last leg of his only life.

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