Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Drinko de Mayo

I have been quite the slacker lately.  In my defense, last week was a blur and I can hardly remember where it all went.  But went it did, and along came the weekend.  I kicked off my weekend around noon on Friday with a Cinco de Mayo party at work, complete with tacos, enchiladas, and delicious chips and salsa.  It was only suppose to be a luncheon, but the rest of my coworkers and I decided to extend the party until the end of the day.

Saturday was filled with even more fun as I slept in super late and lounged around the apartment with Nikki watching old episodes of The X-Files.  After dinner, we went out for margaritas at El Rodeo.  I tried a lime margarita and Nikki got the strawberry.  After just one of these puppies I was buzzed and feeling pretty good.  Tequila and I have a love/hate relationship, but as long as I don't overdo it I am usually okay.

While we waited for our drinks we feasted on more chips and salsa (side-note: I could drink El Rodeo's salsa, it is so good), followed by my first Mexican dessert: xango.  It's essentially fried cheesecake and for a fat kid like me it hit the spot.  Afterward we decided to take in a nightcap at a bar in Mechanicsburg called The Gingerbread Man.  There's kind of a neat two-level bar inside, but beyond that it wasn't much to look at.  Also, smoking is allowed so needless to say, we didn't stay long.

Well folks, that was my Drinko de Mayo.  It definitely had its moments.  Hope yours was just as much fun!

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