Wednesday, June 27, 2012

On Tap: This Means Warsteiner

I'm back!  After a few days off from the blog due to work-related issues, I'm ready to once again regale you with tales of my beer exploits.  It's been a little while since my last On Tap segment, and in that time I've sampled several new brews, both good and bad.

Lets start with the bad.  The worst beer I've tried recently has got to be Sly Fox's Phoenix Pale Ale.  It is both copper in color and flavor.  I literally almost spit this back out after putting it in my mouth.  It was terrible.  To make matters worse, I went on Sly Fox's website and discovered that they hale from none other than my home town of Pottstown, PA.  What a disgrace.

Another flop recently was Rogue's Hazelnut Brown Nectar.  To quote Ralph Wiggum from The Simpsons, 'It tastes like burning.'  I didn't get any hints of hazelnut while drinking this beer, I do however, now have a pretty good idea of what drinking charcoal would be like.  This beer definitely will not make it into my fridge again.

Now for some of the better brews I've sampled recently.  I first tried Troeg's Troegenator Double Bock over Memorial Day weekend and have been meaning to include it in an On Tap segment ever since.  This is a fairly rich beer with a malty aroma and subtle spicy flavors.  You should be careful when drinking this beer, however.  With an ABV of 8.2%, this one builds up quick and can have you tellin' stories and actin' stupid in no time.

Finally, the best beer I've tried recently is Warsteiner's Premium Verum.  Fairly well carbonated and slightly tart, this beer is an excellent mix of just three simple ingredients: water, hops, and barley; I'm beginning to realize that the Germans know how to make good, simple beer.

Well, that's all for this week.  Next week is the Fourth of July, after which I hope to have a number of new beers to discuss.  Until then, happy drinking!

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