Thursday, June 21, 2012

New Poem: Listen

I wrote this over the course of the last few days.  It has been through several revisions and I'm still not sure how I feel about it.  Additional changes may be forthcoming, but for now, enjoy!


Beneath the whimper of the ocean there is nothing.
In a seashell gripped loosely in your hand,
No audible language is heard, no distant whispers
On the lips of waves, only the endless wind is sighing
Through the foaming surf that sinks between the sand. 

You offer me the pale shell, disinterested,
As though it were a telephone in which
There rings the dull horn of a smoke-veiled ship
That moves secretly through charted courses and
Whose call you’ve heard before but never understood.

In the muffled terms that often fall under my breath
As you pass, there is some sun-bleached speck of truth,
Some small grain hissing through the hourglass unseen,
A siren song that’s meant for you who hears the words,
But never stops to listen to what was sung.

So much moves past us unperceived in time,
Both spoken and unsaid; old messages drift
Toward the shore years later, quiet and insistent as
The oscillations of the lighthouse turret,
Never heard by wrecks before the glow is read.

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