Monday, June 18, 2012

Father's Day

On Saturday I went up to my dad's house.  I wanted to take him out for a Father's Day dinner and thought Saturday might be a little easier than actually doing it on Father's Day.  When I got there I noticed a photo album sitting on the kitchen table.  I opened it up and was surprised to find that some of my baby photos had survived our '97 house fire.  According to my dad, after the fire he was allowed to walk through the remnants to see if anything could be salvaged.  He grabbed several of the family photo albums and condensed what wasn't too badly burned into one photo album.  While it's not a ton of pictures, it's something.  I had a blast looking through it with my little sister and I thought I'd share some of them with my blog readers.  Apologies for the picture quality.

 I was a pretty cute kid if I do say so myself.
 Lovin' my dad's fro.
 It's fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A.
They were calling for showers in the living room.

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