Friday, March 9, 2012

Vampire Summer

So if you haven’t guessed by now, I am anxiously awaiting the arrival of summer.  Ever since I was little, summer has been one of my favorite times of year.  I love feeling the grass on my bare feet, going swimming, fireworks, long days, and warm nights.  To go along with all of this, I have been searching for an anthem of sorts, a soundtrack for my summer, and I think I’ve found it.

If you haven’t heard of Vampire Weekend by now, you must be living under a rock.  I only recently got introduced to them, but they are fast becoming one of my favorite bands.  Their music is poppy and fun, while their lyrics are sharp and witty.  Their sound has been described as “Afro-pop” and I think it suits them well.  I’m sad that they currently aren’t on tour because I would love to go see them, but word on the street is they are in the middle of recording their third studio album.  SO EXCITED!  If it could come out around, say June, that would be perfect. J

Anyway, here are some of their best stuff (in my humble opinion), but really I don’t think they’ve made a song that I don’t like.

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