Tuesday, March 27, 2012


I happened to be perusing the inter-web (as I often do) and I came upon this neat little camera:

Rather than try to explain what it does in detail, I’ll just give you a brief synopsis.  The camera’s main draw is that it utilizes a new technology that makes it possible to focus pictures AFTER you’ve already taken them.  You can focus and re-focus on different parts of a picture as many times as you want.  This sounds great to someone like me who is forced to rely on auto-focus for my camera (cameras, if you count my android, which I do!).  The camera has a kind of funky shape; I wish they had a model that looked more like your standard camera, but oh well.

In case you’re interested, here is a review from Engadget that I thought was fairly helpful.  While the camera’s technology is pretty cool, it is also apparent that it is not without flaws.  If you’re considering getting one, just remember that it won’t replace you current camera(s) by any means.  However, there is a camera for every occasion and I can certainly think of some situations where this little guy would come in handy.  Now if only I had the money to buy it.

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