Thursday, March 8, 2012

25 Things You Might Not Know About Me

1.  I’ve piloted an airplane (if only for a few minutes).
2.  I walked in on my parents doing “it” on 3 separate occasions (…the horror).
3.  I’ve never broken a bone or had surgery.
4.  I’ve smoked pot.
5.  I got my first girlfriend when I was 18, the summer after I graduated high school.
6.  I use to be really into hacky sack (perhaps that explains #5)
7.  I graduated at the top of my elementary school class.
8.  I got kicked out of preschool.
9.  I once ate 16 meatballs for dinner (which is still a Kalis family record).
10. I once dislocated my dad’s finger playing a game we invented called “balloon hockey”.
11. My house burnt down when I was 11.
12. When I was 8, I memorized Dr. Suess’ Green Eggs and Ham and recited it for fun.
13. I can do the following impressions pretty well:
a. Pee Wee Herman’s laugh
b. Charlie-in-the-box from Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
c. Gollum from Lord of the Rings
14. I use to sell my old toys to my sisters for their allowance money.
15. I am awesome at chess.
16. I didn’t have a cell phone until my sophomore year of college.
17. When I was little I used to wet the bed and blame it on our cats.
18. My first kiss was in kindergarten.  While at recess I kissed a girl I liked on the hand and ran away.
19. I’ve had the following pets: 2 gerbils, 6 hamsters, 2 beta fish, 2 lizards, a rat, a rabbit, and 2 dogs.
20. I sometimes make up new lyrics to my favorite songs.
21. If I could be anything in the world I would be a famous writer.
22. When I was younger, a drunk driver drove his car into our house.  It ended up just feet from where I     was sleeping.
23. I once used magic markers to make my older sister into a clown.  She got really mad when it wouldn’t wash off.
24. I use to love sleepovers at my grandmother’s apartment.
25. My biggest fear is death.

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