Friday, March 16, 2012

Desperately Seeking Stuff

It has recently occurred to me that making lists of the things I like/want is FUN!  In the past I’d see things I thought were cool and then simply forget about them.  There are a number of reasons for this; either I figured I’d never be able to find it, or I’d never be able to afford it, or I’d look like a doof if I got it.  But no more!  I’ve started trying to keep lists of the things that interest me (having a smartphone with a notes app has made this much easier).  Not all the stuff is crazy expensive/unattainable, but there are a couple items that I don’t see myself ever really owning; that doesn’t mean I want them any less!  So, without further ado, here is what I’m coveting at the moment:

Cardigan (ala Kurt Cobain):  I know winter is almost over, but I’ve wanted a cardigan for a long time, but have always been too afraid to buy one.  I swear I will remedy this one day.

Emo glasses:  I’ve always felt I had kind of a plain face, and I think sporting a pair of funky glasses from time to time will help break up the monotony.  I ordered these yesterday and can’t WAIT for them to get here!

White belt: Who doesn’t need a white belt!?  I don’t own many belts and I definitely need to change that.

Facial hair:  Ok, so I know most women don’t really dig the scruffy look, but I kind of like it (and not just because I hate shaving).  The problem is my facial hair comes in somewhat patchy in spots so I could never grow a full-on beard, but part of me wishes I could.  Maybe I’ll splash some Rogaine on my face and see if that helps.

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