Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Today I was made to watch The Polar Express for the first time and while I initially wasn’t thrilled, I have to say that I didn’t completely hate it.  I must admit that I am fairly picky when it comes to Christmas movies.  Anyway, the movie got me thinking about my favorite things around Christmas time and since my posts up to this point have been kind of downers, I figured I’d spend one talking about things that make me happy.
As far as Christmas movies go, my top 5 of all time are as follows: 1) Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, 2) Elf, 3) Home Alone, 4) How the Grinch Stole Christmas, and 5) It’s a Wonderful Life.  Rudolph is tops because it has the best songs, in my humble opinion, and Elf was an instant classic (and has Will Ferrell who his HILARIOUS!).
Another thing I love to do during this time of year is go out looking at Christmas lights.  I’ve done this almost every year for as long as I can remember and it’s one of those simple things that bring so much joy to your heart.  I can remember numerous occasions when I was little when my family went out and I fell asleep in the car.  My dad would reach into the back seat and carry me inside and the last thing I’d remember is a thousand tiny lights sparkling in a multi-colored haze.
One of the best things about Christmas is the gift giving.  I love to give gifts and have quite a knack for picking out the perfect gift for someone.  My dad has a similar knack, although his is for being able to give you something that will have you rolling on the floor.  When my sisters and I were younger he’d love to find the most random things to put in our stockings, just to see the look on our faces when we reached inside.  The last Christmas with my mom was the best.  I got a bag of marshmallows, pens, toe nail clippers, and one brown M&M.
And it wouldn’t be Christmas time without cookies!  I’m not really much of a baker, and neither was my mom.  She only made two kinds of cookies during the holidays, but they are two of my favorite cookies of all time: raisin spice drops and dream bars.  Now some will contend that a bar cookie isn’t really a cookie, but to them I say, it’s in the cookie section of the cookbook I got the recipe from :-P. 
Anyway, so there you have it.  That’s what Christmas time means to me, that and enjoying time with the family.  I hope wherever you are you have a safe and happy holiday!

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