Saturday, December 17, 2011

Home Sweet Home

I think the stress of everything going on in my life is finally getting to me.  Pack my bags, I’m headed to the funny farm.  Over the past couple days I’ve done some strange, unexplainable things.  On Friday I had to drive over to the apartment to get some clothes to bring back to Nikki’s parents house (where we’re living until Nikki is mobile again).  I was following Nikki’s father in my car and for some strange reason I kept getting the feeling that I was lost, even though I knew exactly where I was.  Then I almost took the wrong exit in an attempt to drive down to our OLD apartment in York.  If I hadn’t been following Nikki’s dad, I think I literally would have gotten about half way there before I realized, “Hey, I don’t live there anymore.” 
If that little (almost) trip down memory lane (or I-83 as it were) wasn’t enough, the next day after getting out of the shower I did something even stranger.  When I went to put on my deodorant I grabbed my chap stick instead and actually applied some (to my armpit) before realizing what I was doing.  Needless to say, I don’t think I’ll be using that chap stick again.
One of the reasons I think I may be losing it is this whole living at Nikki’s parent’s thing.  While normally we get along great, today I found out some interesting information from Nikki’s friend Beth.  Apparently, Nikki and her mother have been getting into it the past couple of days over me.  Without going into too much detail, suffice it to say that she is less than thrilled to have me as a house guest.  It just kind of sucks because I’ve actually been trying to be very respectful and helpful, but I don’t seem to be able to do anything right.
Tonight I made dinner for everyone and did the dishes afterward.  Yet the whole time her mother keeps looking over at me and I just keep thinking, “Am I doing this right?  Am I making too much of a mess?  Am I cleaning these pots the way she likes them?”  It’s exhausting trying to please this woman.  I can’t seem to win and so far, this weekend has got me wishing and praying (ironic considering earlier post) Nikki’s knee gets better soon so we can go back to our own apartment.

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