Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Auld Lang Syne

It’s been almost a week since my last post and I can honestly say I missed sitting in bed with my laptop furiously cataloging my life J.  I historically am terrible at finding a hobby and sticking with it, but I swore to myself that this would be different.  In its own small way, this blog is helping me relieve some stress and for that I am grateful.
Well, the New Year is fast approaching and as I look back at the year gone by I am left feeling many things, among them a hope that the year ahead will bring some good things into my life.  Now that’s not to say that 2011 wasn’t without its high points; there were certainly some. 
I spent most of the winter and early spring dealing with tax season and an almost two hour daily commute to Baltimore, MD for work.  But I enjoyed the people I worked with and my employer treated me well.  The summer was spent with weekend trips to the in-laws and days spent lounging around the pool.  I’m not much of the tanning type, but I generally enjoyed the lazy days and acting like a kid again. 
The highlight of the summer was definitely the week I spent down in Wildwood, NJ.  The beach house we rented was just two short blocks to the beach…and Mack’s Pizza!  Best.  Pizza.  Ever.  While we were down there, I bought a boogie board and spent most of the afternoons hanging ten and being absolutely adorkable (Yeah, I made it up.  Deal.)  With the end of the summer came another employment switch and the end of the commute from hell.
The fall saw me turn another year older and with it brought a flood of suppressed emotions that I am still trying to reconcile.  The holiday season has come and gone fairly quietly, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing.  Nikki finally got her knee surgery and the slow road to recovery has begun; not sure where it will lead, only time will tell.  I have begun to rekindle some old friendships that I hope will blossom in to lasting relationships.
Mostly my hope is that 2012 will bring some clarity and resolution to my life; that the light at the end of the tunnel isn’t so far off.  I hope that I will feel like my old self again soon and that the memories I make are good ones.

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