Monday, August 6, 2012

On Tap: Wheaties

Well, it's Monday again folks.  Don't you just love it?  Yeah, me neither.  But with this Monday comes another edition of On Tap.  Rather than waste any more time complaining about being back at work, let's get right into this weeks brews.

Shock Top Belgian White - Having enjoyed Shock Top's Lemon Shandy, I decided to try their Belgian White, and I'm glad I did.  Although not nearly as good as their Shandy, the White still had it's own appeal.  It had a wheaty-citrus flavor that was mellowed by the presence of coriander, and was fairly crisp and refreshing.  A good summertime ale.

Hoegaarden -  I sampled this beer last Monday and was pleasantly surprised.  I didn't really know what to expect going into this beer; I knew it was a wheat beer, but beyond that I was clueless.  Oddly enough, it tastes fairly close to the Shock Top above, with perhaps just a bit less coriander.  If I had to say which one I enjoyed more, I would say the Shock Top, but only by the slimmest of margins. 

Leffe Blonde - There is nothing like unwinding after a long day's work with an ice cold beer and although not great, this one did the trick.  This is a Belgian abbey-style ale, which tend to be higher in alcohol content, but this little guy wasn't too bad at 6.6% ABV.  It had a very "spicy" flavor, and was crisp with a smooth finish.  Overall, it was an okay beer.

Sierra Nevada Kellerweis - This was the only overwhelming loser I've sampled recently.  I had this beer with some tacos last week and I must say, not even the tacos could save this beer.  Kellerweis is a wheat beer which had me excited, however, the flavor was completely overshadowed by the presence of cloves and yeast.  Overall, this beer wasn't too great.

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